Listening in to my children playing

I just finished watching my boys do a puzzle together and listened to the instructions Liam was giving his little brother – in extreme Denglish.

Just had to share. 😉

Hier Levi. We do puzzle zusammen. Erst, you give me pieces. Dank you! Jetzt give a piece nochmal!”

for the non-germans out there: “here levi. We do a puzzle together. First, you give me pieces. Thank you! Now give another piece!”

I especially love the “Dank you!”


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4 Responses to Listening in to my children playing

  1. So cute! It’s great that Liam is willing to use some German with his brother. It sounds like it’s coming naturally to him, which is fantastic.

  2. Sho says:

    What I find with my two (who are now 12 and 14) who are bilingual although we are MLaH (hmm I think that’s the right abbreviation)… anyway. When they started Kindergarten they began to be exposed to situations and sets of vocabulary that they didn’t know in a home situation. As we only speak English at home (even when they speak/spoke to me in German) they had to use Denglish because they just didn’t know the Engish word.

    Then what happened is that they started to see German as more of a “playing with other children” language and speak/spoke to all children in German. Since we didn’t spend much time in UK it was ok. But they routinely address all strange adults in English the first time they speak to them, because to their little heads only big people speak English.

    And then there is the sad day when they ask you to speak to them in German when other people are around because they don’t want to stand out. If (like me) “Mean” is your middle name, these requests fall upon deaf ears!

    Unfortunately, I use Denglish at work a lot (we’re a very international bunch and find it childlishly hilarious) so I’ve had to be very careful at home where it is verboten.

    • cmommy says:

      Ya, I expect the “please dont make me stand out by talking to me in English” will come soon enough. At the moment, Liam still has the children at the park think he is uebercool because he can speak English. The older kids (10-12 year olds) follow them around at the park and like to practice their vocabulary or English phrases from school. 😉 Liam is just like, “what the crap do they want from me?!” hahah

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